Canada Hits Chinese EVs With Huge Tariffs

TTAC News Staff
by TTAC News Staff

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Canada will impose a 100% tariff on the import of Chinese electric vehicles, as well as a 25% tariff on imported steel and aluminum from China.

This move follows a 30-day public consultation on Chinese EVs and related products, aligning Canada's actions with those of the United States and the European Union.

Trudeau emphasized the tariffs are part of a broader effort to ensure China plays by the same rules as other economies. He noted Canada is acting in coordination with other global economies to address concerns over Chinese trade practices.

Canada's push to strengthen its role in the global electric vehicle supply chain has been gaining momentum, with the country securing deals worth billions of dollars to attract automakers. This move also responds to domestic pressure to counter China’s influence in the sector. The U.S. is expected to announce its final plans for increased tariffs on Chinese products this week, following President Joe Biden's earlier announcements.

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

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  • Npaladin2000 Npaladin2000 on Aug 26, 2024
    Well, that just leaves Mexico...where the Chinese manufacturers already have a foothold. Times are getting interesting...
  • Tylanner Tylanner on Aug 26, 2024
    Democrats are erasing China from the global economy....
    • See 1 previous
    • EBFlex EBFlex on Aug 26, 2024
      Completely wrong but that hasn’t stopped you in the past @Sierra_94
  • FormerFF 2025 is not shaping up to be a good year for the Save the Manuals folks.
  • Arthur Dailey $42k USD??????? For a Camry? What is the world coming to? This vehicle still has a front end/air dam/lack of road clearance that would make it too difficult to drive in heavy snow conditions. It certainly won't be going off road. So what is the AWD for? If a buyer insists on an AWD Toyota, I would suggest a Corolla Cross instead of this.
  • Slavuta "U.S. government has so far had a heavy hand in its efforts to improve data privacy and security." -- let me translate this one: effort to ensure that only US gov can take personal data
  • Slavuta Let me translate: When we win, capitalism is great, lets open all the markets. When we lose - close markets immediately, subsidize us. In other words, give us corporate socialism.
  • Guy 90's name, does Cavalier count it was around before,during and after the 90's. A Corsica SUV with a Beretta SUV "coupe" counterpart? On the aside if they keep the Durango name they have to keep it in Detroit per the UAW. Change the name and its not a next gen Durango anymore.