ZF Lifetec's New Concept Has Airbag That Works with Steering Wheel Displays

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

ZF is a massive company, and while you might know it best for building transmissions, the corporation houses several businesses. ZF Lifetec, a part of the company responsible for passive safety products, has developed a steering wheel airbag system that accommodates display screens, which may become more of a thing as autonomous vehicles start hitting the streets.

ZF Liftec’s new airbag concept inflates the bag from the top portion of the steering wheel rim when the wheel is centered. The device also features a system that corrects airbag inflation if the wheel is turned to prevent it from hitting the driver’s legs. The initial design is a fairly sedate steering wheel with traditionally placed buttons and controls, so ZF’s vision of a futuristic steering wheel is pretty close to the components we see today.

While it’s likely that steering wheel screens will become a thing, it’s hard to celebrate more distractions in our cars, even if there is some degree of automation helping to control them. ZF’s concept can accommodate sensors and other components that work with hands-off driving and driver monitoring systems and can help alert the driver of the need to take control of the vehicle in some situations. At least the company believes our future cars will still have steering wheels, so we can hold onto hope that others do, too.

[Images: ZF]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • 28-Cars-Later 28-Cars-Later Yesterday

    "While it’s likely that steering wheel screens will become a thing"

    Oh Christ on a bike. I wish there were still safety regulations in this nation.

  • IBx1 IBx1 Yesterday

    God no, enough screens

  • Jalop1991 "my condo won't let me plug in. I have no information on why, but I will declare this to be a matter of them being ignorant and needing 'education' to give them the same opinion I have on this matter. And I demand that the outside world join me in the world I've created in my head, and anyone who doesn't is by definition wrong and ignorant. My actual ignorance of any actual facts at hand is immaterial, and my wants trump whatever information they think they have."
  • 3SpeedAutomatic I just visited the Cadillac web page. Nothing there that I would want. Things that might help Cadillac:start thinking past 36 month leasing, quality countsthere's more to life than cherry picking parts from the Chevy parts bintodays bling is yesterdays mullet , try something classyreal men drive real cars with real leather seatsshowcase EVs as new technology, not some government mandate shoved down my throata rear drive sedan restricted to livery service with extra leg room in the rear would be a foil to MBstop chasing BMW, Lexus, MB, Audi, etc; be yourself
  • Peter You know what they say about If it ain’t broke. Cadillac is on track to 155,000 vehicles in the US this year. The luxury brands that out sell Cadillac are all heavy on low end and entry models.
  • Tane94 Exclusivity might be part of the solution. A modern Cadillac-only engine could bring back the cachet of owning a Cadillac. The 472 V-8 was an exclusive Cadillac motor in the past.
  • Gray Oddly, we don't have a burn ban this year, so I'm going to clean out the fire pit so we can have a fire today. The wife made some potato salad, and we will make some hand formed burgers to barbecue. The Explorer needs wheel bearings, so I might start on that. The evening will be having a beer or two, fire pit, and listening to the barrage of noise from fireworks. Probably won't t sleep much tonight and neither will the cats.