Volvo Delays EX30, Cites Multiple Challenges Including Moving Production from China

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

Anyone excited to get behind the wheel of the Volvo EX30 they preordered must wait an extra spell. In an email to stakeholders, the brand said they’re shifting the target date to 2025 – and it has much to do with Biden’s new import tariffs on EVs built in China.

Put simply, Volvo needs time to ramp up production of the EX30 at their facility in Belgium. Known as the Ghent plant, it was always slated to produce a few examples of the EX30 to help meet demand in Europe plus provide support for ‘global export’ obligations. As of late last year, Volvo indicated the XC40 and C40 were also assembled at the same facility. How a ratcheting of EX30 volume will affect those models is currently unclear.

Interestingly, spox for the brand directly addressed the pickle in which those with EX30 preorders in hand now find themselves.

“We’ll offer customers with existing preorders several options to drive a new Volvo until their EX30 arrives,” they said. No further details were immediately available but it sounds like the brand plans to install customers behind the wheel of something with a Volvo badge lest they drop their preorder and switch to another brand.

We’ll let you slug it out in the comments what might be offered as an interim solution. XC40? That’s a gasser. EX90? That’s electric but comparatively enormous. We look forward to learning what Volvo has in the hopper for this conundrum. Whatever the plan, and however much it costs, it seems the brand is committed to bringing the EX30 to market in America.

“The EX30 remains a cornerstone of Volvo Cars’ ongoing strategic transformation,” read a statement, “and reflects our ambition to build cars where we sell them as much as possible.”

Speaking of costs, we openly wonder if this change in production plans will cause the EX30 base price to rise in this country. Originally, pegged at $36,245 it represented a very strong value play and is a big part of the model’s selling proposition. With this delay, there’s an excellent chance a new crop of small EVs will be on the market or close to introduction, such as the Kia EV3 and new Chevy Bolt with Ultium guts.

[Images: Volvo]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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3 of 16 comments
  • Tane94 Tane94 5 days ago
    This anti-China sentiment is an embarrassment. GM, Ford and Jeep all built joint-venture plants in China with no objections from the US government. Now the government is stoking anti-China hysteria
  • Bd2 Bd2 4 days ago
    ^ Anal @Tane94 Could it be because the PRC is unfairly supporting its industries, making it tough for other nations to compete (just look at what happened to solar panel manufacturing)? Now, Chinese companies should be free to build plants in the US; but unlike over there, we won't force them to enter into a JV.
  • SCE to AUX It's a trainwreck, Norfolk Southern style.
  • Arthur Dailey An uncle of mine purchases a 2nd generation Accord sedan. At the time, at least in Canada the hatchback Accord was seen more often than the sedan. After driving it, I became a huge fan. At the time my wife and I were both driving Civics. When I could afford to, we purchased a brand new 1986 (3rd generation) Accord sedan. That is still my wife's all time favourite vehicle of the many that we have had.The only issue we ever had was with the A/C which despite our ordering the car, was a dealer installed option, as was the norm with Hondas in Canada at that time. I eventually sold it to a co-worker. Who then sold it to one of his family members. 15 years later it was still 'going strong'. My uncle came into some money and replaced his Accord with a brand new Jaguar sedan. He had a love/hate relationship with the Jaguar. Loved it when it ran properly. Hated it ever time there was an issue, or he had to pay for maintenance/repairs/parts for it.
  • Buickman some stores may have still had some carbon paper on hand?
  • Zerofoo I would rather that car companies put the correct engine in the car to start. The "base" engine is almost always there for rental car fodder. Simplifying drivetrains would go a long way to reducing costs. If you want a smaller engine, buy a smaller car. The trend of putting small highly-stressed engines in big cars sucks. Hybrid drivetrains are even worse - complex, heavy, and certain to cause future high repair bills. All for a few MPG. Finally, to hell with CAFE standards. Just divide the fines among all the units you sell and get some lobbyists to get rid of the standards the Federal Government has no constitutional right to set anyway.
  • Master Baiter But, is the EX30 as glitchy as Joe Biden on a debate stage?