Used Car of the Day: 2004 Mercedes-Benz S55 AMG

Tim Healey
by Tim Healey

Few 20-year-old cars with 200K miles on the odometer could make me take notice. This 2004 Mercedes-Benz S55 AMG is one of them.

The seller says it has been, until recently, a daily driver and that the paint and interior are "flawless". Apparently it has been stored indoors since being discontinued as a daily.

One yellow/red flag is that the car has been in an accident and carries a salvage title, though the seller says all repairs were done "professionally."

The car has been repainted a different color and the seller has all receipts and records. It's loaded in terms of options.

The asking price is $29,000. Click here to see more photos and details of this California-based car.

[Images: Seller]

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Tim Healey
Tim Healey

Tim Healey grew up around the auto-parts business and has always had a love for cars — his parents joke his first word was “‘Vette”. Despite this, he wanted to pursue a career in sports writing but he ended up falling semi-accidentally into the automotive-journalism industry, first at Consumer Guide Automotive and later at He also worked as an industry analyst at Mintel Group and freelanced for, CarFax,, High Gear Media, Torque News,,, among others, and of course Vertical Scope sites such as,, and He’s an urbanite and as such, doesn’t need a daily driver, but if he had one, it would be compact, sporty, and have a manual transmission.

More by Tim Healey

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  • Tassos Tassos 6 hours ago
    Amazing (but not surprising to me), Of all the Glorious S class model series, Tim chose the absolutely worst one, the reviled 2000-2006 short lived series. Both its predecessors and its successors were far superior. It tanks every ranking. Google it and prove it to yourselves. ......but but but, you may say, this is an AMG. Yeah, and a very lame AMG at that. THe immediate successor S clss AMG models had vastly more powerful and competent engines than this one. So, surprise, surprise, no need to see any details, Tim strikes out ONCE AGAIN.
  • 2ACL 2ACL 3 hours ago
    Just because you paid too much to keep a car alive doesn't mean others will. This one is disqualified from a premium based on mileage alone, and the salvage title and repaint don't help the cause one bit. Sure, 2004+ W220s addressed a lot of that generation's foibles but that's not enough to offset the entire run's broad consideration as a low point in S-class history.
  • ToolGuy Perhaps my vehicles need more stickers.
  • ToolGuy "I have way more into the car than I’m selling it for." • Yes, you are the only individual in history in this situation.
  • Sobhuza Trooper Best reason the US introduction has been delayed that I've heard is that VW is still working to introduce new, catastrophic failures. GPS positioning will be set to have these occur when the driver is furthest from maintenance support.
  • Sobhuza Trooper The potential below-cost dumping of Mexican assembled Chinese electric vehicles was precisely what Donald Trump warned about on March 16..--QUOTEChina now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars."UNQUOTE---Democrats decided misquoting him would be an excellent way to make him into the evil fascist monster their base has been brainwashed into believing is true.
  • ToolGuy Ford: We sat on our hands for the past thirty years and thought we had an agreement that everyone else would do the same and now what is happening?