Window Shop: Toyota Teases 4Runner – Again

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

If it weren’t for teaser shots about hotly anticipated models from different brands, car corners of the internet wouldn’t have much to talk about on some days. Fortunately, the news keeps rolling from Toyota, who’ve released a telling photo of the upcoming 4Runner – along with a suggested release date.

Billed as showing up ‘right around the corner’, the next 4Runner will take its place in a newly and delightfully square SUV lineup at Toyota dealers. Today’s photo highlights a retractable rear window, something treasured by current owners and shown here complete with what we presume are up/down buttons on the truck’s hatch area. As part of the marketing blurb, Toyota says it’s a ‘window to bigger worlds and adventures’, suggesting someone let the new marketing intern write this skiff of copy. Bless them.

Rear windows which open separately from the entire hatch are making a resurgence in recent years, suggesting manufacturers are either cluing into the fact it’s a great feature, have found a way to distract the accountants, or actually listening to feedback from shoppers. The latter is a stretch, we know. But we’ll take our useful-if-sightly-retro features where we can get them. Now would be a good time to reiterate our commitment of campaigning for a return of hood ornaments on high-trim pickup trucks (we’re only half joking here).

Most are wondering out loud about where the 4Runner will fit into the mix, what with the Land Cruiser being reintroduced at a new price point and its own attractive square visage. If the 4Runner ends up being a close carbon copy to the Tacoma in terms of its cabin, we’d be fine with that – especially if it means the possibility of a manual transmission and affordable base trim. It isn’t out of the question, especially since the 4Runner is slated to use wide swaths of Taco ingredients as a base for its recipe.

Elsewhere, it’s easy to spy the Jumbotron of an infotainment screen in this show truck, along with other interior elements which mimic other models in the Toyota 4x4 lineup. This is all welcome, especially after umpteen years in which the current model remained basically unchanged. That didn’t seem to hurt sales, as buyers who knew what they were getting into often delighted in the rugged basic charm of the 4Runner.

[Image: Toyota]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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3 of 7 comments
  • ToolGuy ToolGuy on Apr 05, 2024

    "a return of hood ornaments on high-trim pickup trucks"

    • They were going to do this, but FAA regulations interfered

    • Theflyersfan Theflyersfan on Apr 05, 2024

      Waiting for the blinking red lights on the roofs of the HD trucks.

  • Theflyersfan Theflyersfan on Apr 05, 2024

    Did someone leave their laptop on atop the center console?

  • Akear Mary Barra has little or no feel for the market. This is yet another reason why GM will perform better when she retires. Barra's track record at GM is about as good as Biden debate performance last week.
  • Peter Nissan should hire someone to explain basic economics to their Board of Directors.
  • Jeff China now has the manufacturing capacity to produce 1/3 of the World's vehicles but under the current geopolitical environment this will not happen. As someone above stated all bets are off if China invades Taiwan. What many don't understand is that China plans for the long term and can wait it out till the geopolitical environment becomes less hostile toward China. I am not endorsing Chinese trade just stating that China is preparing for the future.
  • 3-On-The-Tree Im glad it was fixed in time that would’ve been a huge pain and inconvenience to you if it had broke. My 2009 C6 Corvette LS3 has been great with no recalls. My 1985 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ60 actually had a recall for the gas tank and seat belt warning stickers about 10 years go and Toyota fixed it, got a new tank, fuel lines and stickers.
  • Rochester Statistics and numbers don't have an agenda, which is why I like most lists. But these days statistics are used to validate why raw market trends are "correct"; (crossovers, EV's pro and con, the manual transmission, etc.). But by smugly declaring an opinion or trend as proven true by the market, it overlooks any intrinsic value the point of discussion may have. And when that gets lost, we all lose.