The Originator of the Duck Duck Jeep Movement Has Passed Away

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

One of the things that seems to divide Jeep owners more than other issues is the little rubber ducks seen on dashboards at trails across the country. While they seem to be everywhere now, “ducking” Jeeps is a relatively new phenomenon, having only started during the pandemic. Sadly, though, the person behind the cheerful movement recently passed away.

Allison Parliament started placing rubber ducks on Jeeps during a pandemic-era road trip. After an unpleasant experience with a person at a gas station, she decided to spread some joy by writing a note on a duck and leaving it on the door handle of a modified Wrangler. The owner noticed her efforts and suggested she post a photo on social media, causing the hashtag to go viral.

That set off a surprising tide of people sharing colorful rubber ducks with other members of the community. Jeep noticed her efforts and 60-foot inflatable duck outside the 2022 Detroit Auto Show, and the movement has gone international, with “duckings” reported on at least six continents.

Parliament, who became synonymous with the practice, made her last Instagram post on June 16.

“I got ducked today,” was the message, and her passing has brought a swell of support from the Jeep community. Several people took to Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms to voice their support for Parliament and the community she created, and regardless of how you feel about “ducking,” a little more kindness and understanding is something we can all appreciate.

[Images: Davslens, Dolores M. Harvey, and Fillipo Carlot via Shutterstock]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • Wolfwagen Wolfwagen 5 days ago

    I never knew about this until my daughter started to date her boyfriend who is a jeep guy. He had so many he gave her a bunch for her MINI Convertible

  • Lou_BC Lou_BC 5 days ago

    I'll see how this goes once my CJ5 is on the road.

    I've seen a ducky "duck you" version.

  • Wantahertzdonut I smell these heaps before I see them. Burning oil in the left lane driving 5 under the speed limit. Shred them all!
  • Lou_BC My son hasn't been very busy. Service histories, vehicle specifications, torque specs, tolerances etcetera are all in the computer. They have print manuals for older stuff but that's typically repaired by DIY's or older techs can fix it blindfolded. Sales has slowed because it's all computerized.
  • Slavuta Volvo has problems?? nooooo
  • Lou_BC "Average New EV Prices Fell" No mention of improving battery tech and economies of scale? "Pushing towards affordable EV's" Haven't we always been in a "whatever the market will bear" environment? There's a limited supply of buyers willing to overpay. That holds true whether or not it's an EV or Hellcat Red Eye.
  • Bd2 Do you plan on reporting on the Genesis X Gran Racer VGT?