Capsule Review: 2007 Honda Accord EX V6

Jack Baruth
by Jack Baruth

“Hurry up,” the woman at the counter said, “because when you get back they are waiting to take it to the auction.” The odometer read just over forty-nine thousand, eight hundred miles. It would have been temptingly romantic to think of this as a last ride on a trusty horse before it went to the knacker’s, but let’s get real: forty-nine K on an Accord is just getting started. As John Mayer once sang, it might be a quarter-life crisis. Let’s get rolling.

Four years ago, Jonny Lieberman penned a rather enthusiastic paean to a six-speed manual variant of the V-6 previous-gen Accord, but our test example is the far, far more common five-speed automatic, using 244 horsepower to push about 3,300 pounds down the road. For the past four years, this has been nobody’s car, shuffling around between fleet users, loaner trips, and general neglect. The wheels have been curbed, there are scrapes and dings all the way ’round, and the interior shows measurable wear on all the touch points. You wouldn’t treat your Accord this way, unless you hated it.

I couldn’t help but compare the Accord’s condition to the Sonata I rented earlier this year. With similar mileage, the Accord was showing slightly more wear on an interior that, honestly, didn’t seem assembled to quite the same standard. In particular, sun-related fading was evident on the leather in several places. I don’t think it’s particularly fair to a car to let it sit out in the Ohio summer sun for a few years without so much as a dab of Lexol. On the positive side, the plastic-esque leather had less cracking in it than the seats of a few four-thousand-mile Porsches I’ve driven lately.

Upon its introduction, the seventh-generation Accord seemed like a big car, and the 2006 facelift did make it the first “mid-sized” Honda to crack the 190-inch mark. It’s a solid foot longer than the hidden-headlamp Accord sedans that prowled the neighborhood of my youth, and almost three feet longer than a ’77 hatchback. How quickly times change. Compared to the current Malibu, Sonata, or — yes — Accord, this is a low-waisted wisp of a car, with an invisible hood and controls set way down in one’s lap. Visibility is disturbingly good. I fear the Accord that will make the current model feel this small, but from what I’ve read the 2012 or 2013 car will actually be “right-sized” a bit. Good.

On the road, the experience is pure generic Camcord. The transmission is slow to respond and the torque converter has plenty of slip, but the engine’s willingness to rev offsets this a bit. It’s certainly fast enough for most purposes, but I wouldn’t bother to get the V-6. Accords are meant to be four-cylinder cars in the same way that every full-sized American car ever built deserves to burble with a sound of a lightly-muffled vee-eight. The steering is accurate and forthright, and the brakes were up to the rather modest task of freeway cruising set before this particular vehicle.

Having just driven fifty miles in my Town Car, I wasn’t surprised that the Honda seemed loud and rough in comparison, but I was surprised at the refinement gap between this car and the current-gen Accord. Wind noise was high, road noise was everywhere, and the engine sounded positively industrial, even at high revs. You can’t make a car this big this light without cutting something out somewhere, and I suspect thin glass and a low amount of insulation are responsible for the mechanical medley which swings well past susurrus.

It’s easy to see, in retrospect, why General Motors was so confident about the Malibu. It must have seemed that they were bringing a gun to a knife fight, producing a car which was more spacious, quieter, sleeker, and considerably more stylish than the Japanese competition. What a surprise, then, to see that the succeeding Accord became a Japanese Malibu itself, swelling to a point that the Chevrolet looked modestly sized and styled.

Jonny’s review of this automobile painted it, rather improbably, as a Japanese BMW killer. I see things a bit differently. Although my test car was undergoing a bit of a quarter-life crisis, it was produced by a company undergoing a full-fledged mid-life variant of same. This Accord can’t decide if it’s a small car or a large car. It offers a big engine and an automatic transmission but neither perform as buyers in the segment truly expect. It’s long but relatively narrow, spacious where it needs to be but rather insubstantial-feeling, expensive but noisy. It would be best sampled as a manual-transmission four-cylinder, with the outdated-looking LCD center display left on the options rack and the not-quite leather ditched in favor of sensible cloth.

Think of it as a toe dipped in the Rubicon. After this car, Honda would give up on many of the things that made a car feel Honda-like. The low cowl and nervous road feel would disappear. The V-6 would become the engine of choice, the dashboard would swell, the look would change from friendly to deliberately intimidating. Yet in this particular model, there isn’t enough of the old Honda left to charm. Jonny found the Accord to be a revelation, but I can only find a Revelation, namely 3:15:

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

Any classically educated person knows the next verse, right?

Jack Baruth
Jack Baruth

More by Jack Baruth

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2 of 67 comments
  • View2share View2share on Dec 02, 2010

    I presently own an SE V6 Accord. Yes, the road noise is prevalent around the front wheel wells, though there is little wind noise. There is presently a rattle in the glove box area. These are the only issues I can think of however. The engine is wonderful and NOT industrial sounding at all. Nothing much sweeter than the sound of a Honda. The handling is very good for a FWD sedan. As for shifts of the automatic, I would say not, but rather the hesitation caused by electronic throttle control. Tranny is smooth. The steering is the old hydraulic and is well weighted, has some feed from the road and holds well to center for driving on the freeway -- wonderful steering for a basic sedan -- Yep, not the same as my Miata, but darn good for its class. I have not noticed any wear at all for the interior, but then again, no leather seating. The car can get up to 30MPG on the freeway. I notice the A pillar is a tad bit fat, but then again most of the new cars are this way. I am not a fan of not being able to see hood in front of me, but on the other hand, the view or road is good with that slope is enhanced and it handle wonderfully on a windy day. Brakes are good, but not soft like the American style or Toyota type, so you must not jam the foot on the brakes to slow the car. They are in fact just right, unless people long for the days of old softy and spongy brakes. I am thinking of some day replacing this car with a RWD,maybe going Charger if a sedan, or a coupe as a Mustang GT, pre- EPS steering era car, of the Hyundai Genesis Coupe.

  • Offbeat Oddity Offbeat Oddity on Mar 23, 2013

    I currently own a 2007 Accord EX 4 cylinder, and I can see why it has received so much praise among various publications. The engine/transmission are smooth and work together well, the steering and brakes are responsive, and the exterior and interior are elegant in an understated way. Regarding the Accord feeling "solid but insubstantial"- that's actually a big selling point, imo. I love how nimble the car is, yet it still feels solidly put together. Coming from a little Dodge Neon, I greatly appreciated that.

  • ToolGuy And I'm free ↘️ I'm free fallin' ↘️ Yeah, I'm free ↘️ Free fallin'
  • Tassos As long as recharging times SUCK compared to ICE, and as long as the supercharger network is still too small compared to gas stations, and as long as that network is full of inoperative chargers or long queues Waiting before they can charge, AND as long as many people, especially in URBAN settings, live in High Rises and CANNOT Charge overnight at home, EVs will NOT be widely adopted.
  • Wantahertzdonut I smell these heaps before I see them. Burning oil in the left lane driving 5 under the speed limit. Shred them all!
  • Lou_BC My son hasn't been very busy. Service histories, vehicle specifications, torque specs, tolerances etcetera are all in the computer. They have print manuals for older stuff but that's typically repaired by DIY's or older techs can fix it blindfolded. Sales has slowed because it's all computerized.
  • Slavuta Volvo has problems?? nooooo